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What tests determine if someone has dementia

Maryland Gazette
May 29, 2021

In the past, you have shared some of the signs of dementia. What diagnostic tools are used to determine if someone has dementia and is there anything we can do to ensure we don't develop this disease?

Diagnosing dementia can be quite challenging and does not happen in just one visit to the doctor. The physician must first assess whether the individual who has dementia-like symptoms has an underlying condition, such as abnormal thyroid function, infection, vitamin deficiency, normal pressure hydrocephalus, or other condition that may be related to their cognitive difficulties. Early detection is important, so that, if appropriate, underlying conditions can be treated.

Laboratory test should include both blood and urine tests to identify any physical issues. In some case, physicians may take a small spinal fluid sample.

In addition to the complete medical examination, the doctor should review a complete medical history, including a family medical history and medications being taken. In addition to asking you about your symptoms, he or she will most likely ask someone who is close to you about symptoms and behaviors they have observed.

To diagnose the cause of dementia, the doctor should recognize the pattern of loss of skills and functions and determine what the person can still do. A variety of testing is completed to assess cognitive abilities, memory, language, movement, balance, visual perception, attention and problem-solving. No single test can diagnosis dementia, so doctors are likely to run a variety of tests to help pinpoint the specific type of dementia.

There are certain scans that not only look at the structure of the brain but also can rule out tumors and blood clots. Some scans can detect the pattern of brain tissue loss that helps in differentiating the types of dementia. Other scans look at brain activity.

CT or MRI scans can check for evidence of stroke or bleeding or tumor or hydrocephalus.

PET scans can show patterns of brain activity and whether the amyloid protein, a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease, has been deposited in the brain.

In addition, a mental health professional, such as a psychiatrist, can determine whether depression or another mental health condition is contributing to symptoms.

Although there is no guaranteed method of preventing Alzheimer's disease, or any other dementia, research has shown that healthy lifestyle choices may lower your risk or delay symptoms. Here are 10 things you can do to take care of your brain health:

Eat healthy foods: choose vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, fish, and olive oil. Eat foods low in saturated fats and salt.

Limit alcohol: women should have no more than one drink per day and men should have no more than two drinks per day.

Be physically active: walking, dancing, swimming, and other aerobic exercises each day keep your heart rate up and may help your ability to think, plan and remember.

Be socially active: although this is a little more difficult during this pandemic time, keep connected with your friends and family via phone or social media platforms.

Challenge your brain: take a class, learn a language, read, go to lectures - and, yes, these opportunities are still available on-line. Check out your area Senior Center to see what they are offering.

Take care of your mental health: learn to manage your stress and get a good night's sleep. Some studies have linked depress with memory and cognitive skills so seek help if you have depression, anxiety, or other mental health concerns.

Take care of your heart: keep your blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control.

Take steps to prevent or control diabetes: studies suggest that having type 2 diabetes might increase your risk for Alzheimer's disease.

Quit smoking!

Talk with your doctor if you have any concerns about your brain health and before you take any vitamins or herbal supplements.

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