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Families need to learn of threat of anorexia nervosa

The Grand Island Independent
May 12, 2018

Anorexia nervosa is an issue that is becoming more common in young adults, such as high school kids. Studies, like one proposed by ANAD, show that 30 million people of all ages and genders suffer from an eating disorder in the U.S.

This is really an alarming number. Why should people wait until the disease already develops to act instead of acting before and preventing the formation of the disease in young people?

I had a friend suffering from anorexia nervosa last year. We were moving away from each other, and we just saw each other once in a while. One time, I saw her and she was skinnier than the time before and I was wondering if something was wrong. After a couple of months, her parents told me and my parents that she suffered from anorexia nervosa and she had a long rehabilitation in a hospital and she was just starting to get better.

After this episode, I always think that there should be more conferences and meetings in schools and other public places, talking about this serious problem in young people. By talking, people can learn how to prevent this disease from developing.

I'm asking for a better program that tries to prevent anorexia in young people, a type of program that offers meetings for any ages to prevent and talk about this serious disease.

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