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Saving crisis funds with mental health prevention services

McPherson Sentinel
Jun 07, 2017

June 07--McPherson County commissioners met for their weekly meeting at 9 a.m. Monday, and here's what you need to know:

The issue: Prairie View budget proposal

Background: Jessie Kaye, president and CEO of Prairie View, presented requested changes to the community mental health center's budget for the next year. Commissioners hold budget hearings for each department, then use information presented to decide how much each department will receive.

As a community mental health center, Prairie View is required to provide services, but is receiving less aid from the state and Medicaid reimbursements.

The organization has not seen an increase in state aid since 2002, though patient numbers and the severity of their needs has greatly increased.

"Every year, Prairie View provides $1 million in uncompensated care. As a community mental health center, we're statutorily bound to provide those services. When we reduce services, the community is affected," Kaye said.

Kaye explained that with fewer preventive services, organizations like law enforcement and hospitals foot the bill in crisis situations. These emergency services are also more expensive than prevention, and Kaye thanked commissioners for their support in previous years.

Prairie View is exploring cheaper options for providing services, such as consultation through an encrypted video chat service, rather than needing to reimburse staff for mileage on a home visit.

County action: Commissioners will take action on all department budget proposals later this summer when all have been presented.

The issue: Hiring at McPherson County Jail

Background: Capt. Arlo Blevins, McPherson County Jail administrator, requested to hire Micah McKay and Christian Elliot as correctional officers effective June 6. After hiring, the jail will be back up to full staff after being short-handed for some time.

In six months, the new employees will undergo a review and will plan to attend the week-long academy training.

County action: Commissioners approved the request to hire the two correctional officers for the jail.


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